KSGRA November Monthly Trail Ride – Gettysburg Battlefields – CANCELLED
McMillan Woods Campground 120 W Confederate Ave, Gettysburg, PA, United StatesDue to our rig being out of commission, this has been cancelled.
Due to our rig being out of commission, this has been cancelled.
Join online with your device or call in by phone with the following information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87163139085?pwd=T2JyWi83UE9GT01sR2ZHekZ2ZDNwUT09 Meeting ID: 871 6313 9085 Passcode: 8ztd72
Cowboy bingo has been cancelled due to the bar closing with the spiking Covid 19 infections.
Ranch sorting is a western-style equestrian sport that evolved from the common ranch work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport. Ranch sorting requires that two riders move a herd of ten
Come for a comedic drag show and 8 games of bingo. There is a $10 admission at the door which includes bingo cards. Drag bingo benefits MCC of the Spirit and Keystone state gay rodeo
This event has been cancelled due to Covid 19.
We will be mapping out events planned for 2021 for KSGRA. Everyone is welcome to join. The meeting is being held virtually, however if you are not comfortable with joining virtually, those who wish to
Ranch sorting is a western-style equestrian sport that evolved from the common ranch work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport. Ranch sorting requires that two riders move a herd of ten
Join online with your device or call in by phone with the following information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81272130965?pwd=T0pFWWxWY2xrVmJrUlNDNVpSLzZlUT09 Meeting ID: 812 7213 0965 Passcode: AR4cJ8
Join the monthly meeting online via device or call in by phone with the following information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86104741901... Meeting ID: 861 0474 1901 Passcode: 372045 One tap mobile +13126266799,,86104741901#,,,,*372045# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,86104741901#,,,,*372045# US