Team penning is a western equestrian sport that evolved from the common ranch work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport. Today it is a fast-paced event that gives a team of
Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Fowlers Hollow State Park with KSGRA. The ride will be approximately 2 Hours. Lunch is included with the cost of the ride and will be served at 11:30 AM,
Join the monthly meeting online via device or call in by phone with the following information: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 865 5808 4654 Passcode: 451537 One tap mobile +13126266799,,86558084654#,,,,*451537# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,86558084654#,,,,*451537# US
All, I'm very sorry to let everyone know that we are cancelling this Saturday's Team Penning. Both President Adam Romanik and Treasurer Mary Taylor are currently very under the weather. Our next Open Team Penning