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Cowboy Bingo – Cancelled

Rowan Tree 1633 S Charles St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Due to the Corona Virus, we are taking all precautions and have cancelled cowboy bingo. We will be rescheduling the event or a later date.

Drag Bingo -Cancelled

MCC of the Spirit 2973 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA, United States

Come for a comedic drag show and 8 games of bingo. There is a $10 admission at the door which includes bingo cards. Drag bingo benefits MCC of the Spirit and Keystone state gay rodeo


Drag Show & KSGRA Royalty Pageant – Cancelled

Marietta Center for the Arts 133 West Market Street, Marietta, PA, United States

Come and enjoy a comedic drag show along with the KSGRA Royalty pageant. Admission is $10 per person. The event benefits the Keystone State Gay Rodeo Association. If you are interested in running for royalty,


KSGRA April Monthly Trail Ride -cancelled

Codorus State Park SinSheim Rd, Hanover, PA, United States

Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery of the Codorus State Park with KSGRA. The ride will be approximately 2 Hours. Lunch is included with the cost of the ride and will be served at 11:30 AM,

KSGRA April Monthly Meeting

Join online with your device or call in by phone with the following information: https://zoom.us/j/356117303 Meeting ID: 356 117 303 One tap mobile +16465588656,,356117303# US (New York) +16699006833,,356117303# US (San Jose) Dial by your location

Drag Bingo – Cancelled

MCC of the Spirit 2973 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA, United States

Come for a comedic drag show and 8 games of bingo. There is a $10 admission at the door which includes bingo cards. Drag bingo benefits MCC of the Spirit and Keystone state gay rodeo


Open Team Penning – Cancelled

Red Man Ranch and Arena 359 Strawberry road, New Freedom, PA, United States

Come and sort some cattle! Open team penning is for all ages and all riding abilities. There will be three go rounds for each team. The cost for non-members is $15 per person per team

KSGRA May Monthly Meeting

Join online with your device or call in by phone with the following information: https://zoom.us/j/210388976 Meeting ID: 210 388 976 One tap mobile +16465588656,,210388976# US (New York) +16699006833,,210388976# US (San Jose) Dial by your location

Drag Bingo- Cancelled

MCC of the Spirit 2973 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA, United States

Do to Covid-19 restrictions, Drag Bingo for May has been cancelled!   Hope to see you at the June Drag Bingo event Come for a comedic drag show and 8 games of bingo. There is a
